The Strange Case of Dr. Addison and the Crosswell Twins – 2 Reels – Christopher Schneberger Online Sale

from View-Master Reels and Packets, Volume 3, Showtime and Education by Harry Zur Kleinsmiede, p. 682
Chris Schneberger is a master of stereo photographer and a master story teller. Â Curiosity about stereo photography in the late 1990s took him in an interesting direction resulting in his visual short stories. Â These in turn brought him to the attention of the larger community of stereo photographers including the prestigious National Stereographic Association (NSA), that resulted in three unique View-Master story sets.
Below is the first set issued – a two reel with insert detailing the story.  Issued in January 7, 2005 in limited edition of 300 copies.
Strange Case of Dr. Addison and Crosswell Twins
A fascinating story told in two 3D reels of a portrait photographer taking pictures of a young girl with the astounding appearance in the images of the young girl s deceased sister.
Reels: like new
Jacket:Â excellent
Booklet: insert
This set offered here is from the View-Master estate from the late renowned author, Harry Zur Kleinsmiede, and was an integral component in his research and development of the classic treatises:
View-Master Reels and Packets Volume 3 – Showtime and Education
listed on page 682-683
Certificate of Provenance is included with this offering.
 For more biographical information on Harry zur Kleinsmiede see Article  in Stereo World January February, 1993 or p. 756 in Vol 3.
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